Thursday, June 5, 2008


Hey Guys,

1 more sleep until GB! Exciting! If there's only one email you read from me this year, please make it this one.

0) ROSTER: Our roster is, how you say? Kick ass for fun, possibly also for winning games. Which is fun.

Ladies (8, but with injuries, let's say 6)
Anita Verma
Jana McLean
Kathryn Child
Laurel Berkowitz
Lisa Di Diodato
Meredith Macnaughton
Shiovean Woods
Sue Holland

Gentlemen (9, * means Sat. Only)
Brad Amson
Derry Crymble
Eli Fidler*
Jaleel Paje
Keith Sutherland*
Mike Varona
Rajesh Sthankiya*
Robert Svaluto
Yorgos Stamatopoulos

1) WAVIERS - if you haven't signed the online wavier yet, you may not be allowed into the party. The Wavier form is found online at: and is only like 4 lines long. Please sign it! Except Brad, who won't be here for the nightly festivities :).

People missing waviers: Mike, Rob, Keith, Meredith, Lisa

2) SCHEDULE AND SEEDING - we're seeded at a lofty fifth, and play our 4 Saturday games (starting at 9:15 am) at the main fields (no driving needed). YAY! Schedule is attached. I think we can definitely win our pool. The second seed in our pool is Zen Asylum, who are a pretty young/new team. Let's take it to 'em!

3) FOOD DRIVE - when you pick up snacks for yourself this weekend, please grab one item for the food drive. You can 'win' at GB with donated food, but let's at least make sure we do our part. I've attached a list of requested items.

4) TENT - Please make sure you are bringing everything associated with your name on the blog ( Please bring anything else you think would help spruce up our tent. It's gonna be hella cool.

5) SPIRIT PRIZES - If you see candy or small toys, please grab 'em up for spirit prizes.

6) DANCE and Costumes- try to dress up as MJ or a small boy for friday night. Bring your crappiest human clothes (i.e. best zombie clothes) for Saturday night! Practice dance moves!

7) PERSONAL STUFF - Suggested things to bring for yourself:
- Ear plugs
- Garbage bags
- Flash light
- Lots of drinks
- Small fan?
- Sunscreen, hat
- Rain coat/windbreaker
- Towel
- Cleats

8) SHIRTS - Printed and Ready!

9) HEAT WAVE- It's supposed to be frickin' hot this weekend, so make sure you stay hydrated.

See y'all in Fergus!!!


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A couple must-have items

Hey guys,

Still looking for ideas/support on getting:

Prosthetic Face Pieces (Idea- can anyone pickup like 4 rolls or aluminum foil and masking tape?)

Sheets for Blind Petting Zoo - need a few bedsheets- shouldn't have to cut them...

Board Games/Operation Board Game/Trivia Questions (Shiovean is trying to get operation; Jay can you print out the trivia questions?)

These are three big things we need for the tent. Please give it some thought.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Special Treat for You: New Leaked MJ Album

Here ya go!

I don't know if it will make it to the top of the charts, but some of the songs are groovy.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Thrill the World on YouTube

This is the vid that Norm was talking about
If you read other parts of the TtW site it breaks down the dance into sets of moves (eg Zombie Stomp, Zombie Swim)
I'll post the order of the moves as she does them in the vid tomorrow.

The Dancing Deal

Okay, so the dance practice was (predictably) not that well attended. I think what we're going to do is the following:

I'll post some links below to a really great set of training videos. You can practice through the week (and the start of the weekend) to get these moves down well enough. If on Saturday you're not ready for the spotlight, we'll have a 'chorus' of zombies who hang around the periphery and don't really have to hit a lot of moves.

Thriller is a hard dance, a scary dance; that being said, some of us are going to ROCK IT. Here's the link:
Thriller Dance (go to video V: full dance)

A direct link

We're only going to 2:52 of part V: the full dance from the link above. But we're gonna do it well. We practiced it with the video for about an hour today, but it's gonna take about half an hour a day to do it well.

The moves themselves I think are broken down in subsequent videos, but we're mostly practicing off of that one.


If Jennifer Garner can do it so can we!!!

Friday, May 30, 2008

To Do List

Well, we're now exactly a week away from awesomeness!

Here's a list of stuff to do. If there's a name beside the thing, then that person has already agreed (perhaps drunkenly) to do this thing. If there's no name, then this thing still needs to be done/brought. Please sign up for unallocated duties. If you can't do the duty you've already signed up for, let me know ASAP:

GB Video Game Release- Norm
Neverland Tent Rental- Norm
BEAT cotton print shirts (appx. cost $4 /per person)- Norm
FunHouse Mirror out of Aluminium- Eli
Giant Bottle of Vodka - Sue
Phallic Bottle - Sue
Baby and Veil Window Display - Kat
Stereo - Shiovean
Blender (Jay and Anita)
Sexy Time Whip (Jay and Anita)
Stuffed Monkey- (Jay, Anita & Yorg)
Camera (with a flash) - Jay
Old Sheets - (Jay & Anita; more the better so other people can bring some too)
Some Chairs (Lawn or Folding) - (Jay and Anita)
Juice, pop, grenadine, etc. can also get the cherries, ice (Raj).
Plastic cups (300 is enough?) - (Jana)
Red arm bands fabric- a couple yards should do it (Jana)
Make-Up (Jana)
Stuffed Animals (Yorgos + others?)

Neverland Ranch Sign
Chairs (Lawn or Folding)
Sheets for Blind Petting Zoo (could use tarp or garbage bags)
Operation Game
Sequined gloves
Prosthetic Face Pieces

Tents/Sleeping Bags for the Sleeping
Come to dance practice on Sunday 4pm, trinity bellwoods or contact me if you can't/won't
Zombie Costumes - makeup and tattered clothes
Pay for tournament (budget $175-$200, minus money you put in for team stuff)
Dress up as MJ or a small boy

Shiovean's Car-

Sue's Car-

Kat's Car-

Jay and Anita's Car-

Derry's Car- Yorgos, Warren

Eli's Car-